I knew it would come to this. An empty blog, missing all the projects & travels I've been participating in. I can hear the crickets now....
I apologize for not updating you guys with all the juicy details these past few months. I'm a little embarrassed that it's now August & I've just now finally taken the time to sit down & gather my thoughts in writing. If you're following me on Instagram, you know exactly what's been happening, but if for some reason you're a random new reader -- I DID NOT DIE - Ya girls been busy.

My last blog posts were in March so let me just begin with April. I shot a lot of babes which led me to a really cool opportunity to join & shoot the Arsenic babes in Mexico for Bud Light Mexico's Pal West Music Festival. We set off on a Thursday afternoon and landed just in time for sunset beers in Monterrey. For me, I love any chance to go to Mexico. As much as people like to talk about it being shady, my advice to you is this... if you don't act shady, & don't put yourself in shady situations, then your experience should be golden. Just be smart & if something feels weird, dip out. I've been traveling to Mexico a bunch in the last 2 years, it's beautiful. Don't let the bad hype get in the way of your travels. By the way, going to Mexico with Arsenic was a blast. We stayed at the Habita Hotel which they actually turned into the Bud Light Hotel for the weekend of the festival. All the lights in the hotel were blue, it was pretty trippy to be honest. All the girls in the group were amazing & incredibly talented in their own ways. Mad love to Michelle Xuxu for putting together a great trip!

While in Mexico, I had a really rad roommate named Holly Barker & she's all things fitness & good vibes. Luckily she was down to shoot a lot, cause my camera was ready to make magic with this beauty. Some of my favorites below. 

For the month of May, I laid low a little bit. The only really exciting thing that occured is my milestone that is being allowed to rent a car all alone. Yep, just turned 25, fam & to be honest, I thought I'd be weird about this hump in my life, but I feel great. I've done a lot of amazing things, seen a lot of places & I'm really proud of that. They still card me when buying blunt wraps, so we're good. My big shoot of this month was the Lucky 420s Campaign. This is one of my favorite projects that I've ever worked on, it was a large project, with a big group of people, so that meant for a lot of room for creativity. I love any opportunity for people to vibe in their natural element & that's exactly what happened. I teamed up with another photographer to put this incredible production together, and together we made GOLD. I will do a proper blog highlighting that shoot specifically because there were too many good photos to not share entirely.

This was Carlos's time to shine as well! Working together really allows us to make DOPE content. I can focus on photos & styling and he can put his focus into motion. It's a great collaboration. If you haven't seen our video on youtube, definitely check it out :)

Basically,  for the past few months I've just been working incredibly hard on getting That's Dope Content established with Carlos. Since we moved to Los Angeles, we really needed to make a platform of our own that we can share. TDC is a creative agency that specializes in making social media & marketing content. We have been creating DOPE content for brands, hotels, & just this passed year and a half, we've taken a dive into the cannabis industry. This past June, we flew up to Humboldt County & shot 9 cannabis farms for our clients, The Humboldt Brand. Wait till you see some of these luscious sun grown farms! It was such a rad trip. One, being away from Los Angeles is a joy in itself, two - the atmosphere up north is incredibly special. I'll be sure to add a special blog for that too, but for now here's a couple sneak shots.

For now, I just wanted to catch everyone up with everything. I'm going to be sharing Mexico & Hawaii blogs as soon as possible. I promise I'm not going to wait 5-6 months for my next post.
I have a lot of fun planned for September! Can't wait to get it going!

Happy Thursday! Now how's that for a Throwback ;)


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